"Tell Your Story & Discover Your Soul"

You Are a Writer – Accept & Acknowledge Your Gift!

If writing is your passion – you already know it.  Now is the time to accept your God-given gift and acknowledge it.  Too often we listen to that inner voice that says you’re not good enough to write your story and share it with the world.  But why not?

So many of us have a story to tell and just need a little help and encouragement to tell it. Once upon a time many years ago I doubted myself and dared not call myself a writer!  But someone saw me as not only as a writer, but as a published author, long before I acknowledged this myself.

The Turtle Queen Author’s Club was created to encourage you to stop sitting on your gift and to get busy finishing that story that has been stirring around inside of you for far too long!

The Author’s Club is NOT a social club, but an interactive and goal driven group of writers working to improve their writing skills, to fine tune their focus to complete writing tasks, and to ultimately finish a story that will inspire, educate, and perhaps even change lives.

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